Anger Management

1538606822The inability to manage your anger comes at a cost.

You are starting to feel overheated, every muscle in your body is tight, you are blacking out, and only harsh words are coming out of your mouth. It’s on. Get ready to bounce.

Letting out anger can feel good initially, but the aftermath results in guilt. This anger pushes others away, can result in job consequences, or create legal issues. It also gets harder to repair relationships.

Anger has been thought to be a hereditary trait passed down from generation to generation. You have seen your parents constantly fighting as far as you can remember. However, that is just a myth. We learn that angry behavior by watching our parents express how to handle things when they feel wronged.

This following statement may be confusing, but anger is a good thing. However, it is your behavior that gives anger a lousy name. Whether you throw objects or say harsh things, aggression pushes people away.

Therapy can help with anger management.

In counseling, you will learn the difference between emotion and behavior and slow down the reaction as you become aware of your responses to different angry circumstances. Specific situations can trigger anger, and learning to identify those triggers can help you gain control, helping you avoid an angry expression. Sometimes, it might be better to walk away when you experience those triggers.

Once we gain insight into what situations make you angry, we will work together to help you learn several tools (I like to call it a playbook) to cope with the different situation that works best for you.

When you recognize the warning signs, these tools will help you take action more positively.

With awareness and tools, you will be in control of your anger rather than feeling out of control. You get to decide how you want to act in the situation.

Learn to manage your anger and find better ways to avoid volatile confrontations by creating more reasoned responses. Let’s work together to help you overcome your anger.