Therapy for Athletes

1663998250Athletes face unique challenges.

The pressure is on as your heart pounds, and you look nervously around the stadium or arena. You tell yourself, “I need to get it together and perform to meet expectations because they are all watching. Failure is not an option.”

Being an athlete comes with unique challenges that people do not readily recognize or pay attention to. As an athlete, you strive to be the best and perform to the highest level because competitiveness is part of your nature.

With that competitiveness comes considerable stress and even fear of failure. You push yourself to the limits to maintain that competitiveness, sometimes impacting you mentally and physically.

There are constant pressures to be a well-oiled machine and always think ahead so that you are there at the perfect moment to take that shot.

Challenges don’t always lead to positive results.

Striving for perfection and the highest level of performance can lead to anxiety and sometimes depression as an athlete seeks to balance their performance with other personal commitments.

Maintaining high performance, especially after an injury, makes an athlete lose self-esteem as they try to regain their previous level of competitiveness.

Sustaining the right mindset is challenging, and having a negative attitude works against remaining competitive.

Sometimes it’s hard to maintain a positive self-image and control emotions.

Therapy helps athletes meet their challenges.

In our sessions together, you will be sitting with someone who understands the pressures from coaches, family, reporters, and fans.

One of the goals in therapy is to strengthen your mental game, similar to basketball player Giannis Antetokounmpo on the Milwaukee Bucks when he spoke with reporters after his season ended, saying that a loss is not a failure but a step toward winning.

You will gain new insight that makes winning next time that much easier. We will look at connecting to awareness of what is impacting your performance, whether on or off the field. Then, you will learn tools to overcome those challenges, allowing you to focus and stay in the zone whenever you put on your gear.

Are you ready to gain that advanced athletic mindset? Contact me for an initial consult.